Good Games!

What? Play games on the computer in class? No way!!
Yes way.

Free Film & Television Scripts!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Gordon’s Christmas Plan

Once there was a boy named Gordon. He was sick of never getting a present from Santa. He wasn’t the nicest boy he knew but he wasn’t the naughtiest boy he knew either. Even so every year he failed to get a present from Santa. He got presents from his parents. He got presents from his grandparents. He got presents from his aunties and uncles and cousins. He got presents from his friends. However, try as he might he never got a present from Santa. He wanted to be on the nice list very badly.

He tried to do nice things for his parents. He tried to do nice things for his grandparents. He tried to do nice things for his friends. He tried to do nice things in general. It didn’t seem to do any good. Then he had an idea. What if Santa counted all the nice things you did and all the naughty things you did? What if he then took all the nice things you did and subtracted all the naughty things and if you got a negative number you didn’t get a present?

He developed a plan. Instead of doing lots of nice things to make up for all the naughty things he did, he would do the opposite. He decided to stop doing naughty things. He thought it would be easy to not do bad things. Then all the nice things he did would add up and not be subtracted from by naughty things he did because he wouldn’t do naughty things anymore.

From now on when someone tried to entice him to do something naughty he would refuse. If someone tried to entice him to steal cookies from the large teddy bear cookie jar in the kitchen he would refuse. If someone tried to entice him to steal his sister’s doll and hold it for the generous ransom of $15.00 and a large bag of lollies he would refuse. Sigh. If someone enticed him to play violent computer games he would refuse.

He would stop hiding chocolate bars under his mattress to snack on between meals. He would stop listening to the voice in his head that told him not to clean his room. He would stop pushing his vegetables around his plate at dinnertime and actually eat them without complaining.

He did all these things until Christmas Eve and went to sleep knowing he did the best he could. He slept peacefully all night. Meanwhile Santa heard about the valiant effort this little boy had made. He was impressed by his creativity and diligence. He was so impressed that on Christmas Eve he put a very special Christmas present for Gordon under the Christmas tree Gordon’s family decorated the day before.

Do you want to know what present Gordon received? Well you’ll have to ask Gordon that.
Merry Christmas to one and all.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Freedom of Speech

Every Australian has the right to freedom of speech. When channel seven cut the GetUp ad on Tibet they took away that right and censored the views and opinions of the campaign. The people behind the campaign were trying to make the people of Australia aware of the situation in Tibet, they followed the correct procedures, they requested that the seven network air the ad, and seven accepted… The ad was “booked and paid for”, so what is sevens excuse for cutting the ad? The seven network has made one to many of these mistakes over the years. The GetUp campaign had every right to voice their opinions on this very important matter. I hope that the seven network is exposed and dealt with accordingly, because freedom of speech is one thing that Australia can not afford to lose.

Too much money spent on sport

I am personally not much of a sport fanatic, I watch around one football game each week (not of my own free will) and I can never really get in to it the way most people I know can. I can understand the excitement and sense of pride that comes with supporting Australia in our athletic endeavors, but I agree with the article when it says that “Australia can excel in more areas than sport if we spread the wealth and the kudos”. There is definitely too much money being spent on sport. If some of the money being spent on gold medals was used to improve the education and health care systems Australia would be much better off.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Ban barbie?

Barbie ban

This is an interesting blog, at first i thought nothing off it but than let it sit . I just begin to wonder, can a doll really have this much impact on the growth of a child.

The doll itself becomes a roll model, in such a way it idolises the future for these kids.

Barbie is blond, skinny sexy and slender toy that fits the model of a perfect women, children grow up playing with such a toy and begin to believe this is what society expects them to become. As a child we played with toys , males usually play with strong muscular toys such as GI Jo's , Superman , hulk and other super heroes and villains.

Young children look up to these toys and not to say they base there whole future but they try to be strong and heroic.

With out these role models , children wouldn't have objects to look up-apon."Captain planet" he leads a clean green life and children can use this as models.

Now back to Barbie , children shouldn't be stripped away from these dolls, they should be educated and informed there for they should not replicate these dolls. Parents need to inform there children that they do not need to be like barbie to be happy and accepted in society.

Barbie represents an independent single blonde woman , who has a bf called ken.
Young children see this and learn about the concept of having a bf and either gay or straight relationships.

Where did barbie come from?

"Ruth Handler noticed that her young daughter Barbara was more interested in playing with adult dolls, than the baby dolls that were available at that time. While traveling in Europe she saw a German doll called ‘Lilli’ which she bought for her daughter. The original ‘Lilli’ doll was not a children’s toy, but a joke style gift for men."

"Mattel bought the marketing rights for ‘Lilli’. They changed the doll’s name to Barbie, named after Ruth’s daughter Barbara. Barbie was first released for sale in the United States in 1959 and became a hot seller. Barbie’s boyfriend ‘Ken’ was introduced in 1960. Ken was named after Ruth’s son Kenneth."

quoted from ""

In conclusion i do not agree to the argument stated "ban the barbie" i encourage young children to have some sort of role models in there life and children need to be educated about these topics and encourage to be them self's.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Ban the Barbie? Good luck.

Although this article does hold a lot of valid points I think that the idea of banning a children’s play doll is perhaps a smidge ludicrous. Basically it all comes down to how a parent relates to their offspring. If someone feels that the image and morals that Barbie represents are negatively affecting their daughter’s development, then they can simply throw the piece of plastic in the bin. How hard is it to sit down with your child and explain to them that Barbie is not someone who should be idolized and that her body image is unrealistic and unhealthy?

In this modern age it is seemingly impossible to prevent young minds from being influenced by the media. Ideologies and perception will forever be shape by the media but communication is the key in establishing what can be referred to as rational and irrational thinking.

There is no doubt in the fact that young girls’ self-esteem will be persuaded by the toys that she plays with and by the information that gets filtered through her mind, however we should never underestimate the ability of a child and be comfortable in talking to them about how they perceive Barbie in the real world.

Barbie may create negative perceptions on how women should look and behave, but get over it. If we were to ban Barbie then perhaps we should ban all television shows, movies, magazines and anything else that may be of detriment to our society. What an interesting world that would be…

Porn Indusrty

The Internet has now become the home of the worlds porn.
everyday more and more people are becoming aware of the easiness and satisfaction of the worlds biggest income earner on the net.

How this can affect the lives of us is critical, nearly everything in todays society is driven by sex, sex appeal, and what is right.
the porn industry makes up a big portion of todays internet sites and more and more millions of people get there quick fix each and every day!
is it fair we are open so easily to the things like this espically growing up in a society of technological advances and children are so adaptable to viewing
on wrong click, one wrong link and we are there!

its interesting looking at some of the worlds biggest porn users, and spenders. ironic that its mainly technological countries.

here are some stats:

Pornography Time Statistics
Every second - $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography
Every second - 28,258 Internet users are viewing pornography
Every second - 372 Internet users are typing adult search terms into search engines
Every 39 minutes: a new pornographic video is being created in the United States

Issue with Tibet

I think people who have opinions about Tibet should be heard, may be people who disclose issues of what other people have to say is they think why argue this point. This is a freedom of speech where people who have something to say on air can say it. I know there was a protest were Tibetians were protesting about the Olympic Games in China.