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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Ban barbie?

Barbie ban

This is an interesting blog, at first i thought nothing off it but than let it sit . I just begin to wonder, can a doll really have this much impact on the growth of a child.

The doll itself becomes a roll model, in such a way it idolises the future for these kids.

Barbie is blond, skinny sexy and slender toy that fits the model of a perfect women, children grow up playing with such a toy and begin to believe this is what society expects them to become. As a child we played with toys , males usually play with strong muscular toys such as GI Jo's , Superman , hulk and other super heroes and villains.

Young children look up to these toys and not to say they base there whole future but they try to be strong and heroic.

With out these role models , children wouldn't have objects to look up-apon."Captain planet" he leads a clean green life and children can use this as models.

Now back to Barbie , children shouldn't be stripped away from these dolls, they should be educated and informed there for they should not replicate these dolls. Parents need to inform there children that they do not need to be like barbie to be happy and accepted in society.

Barbie represents an independent single blonde woman , who has a bf called ken.
Young children see this and learn about the concept of having a bf and either gay or straight relationships.

Where did barbie come from?

"Ruth Handler noticed that her young daughter Barbara was more interested in playing with adult dolls, than the baby dolls that were available at that time. While traveling in Europe she saw a German doll called ‘Lilli’ which she bought for her daughter. The original ‘Lilli’ doll was not a children’s toy, but a joke style gift for men."

"Mattel bought the marketing rights for ‘Lilli’. They changed the doll’s name to Barbie, named after Ruth’s daughter Barbara. Barbie was first released for sale in the United States in 1959 and became a hot seller. Barbie’s boyfriend ‘Ken’ was introduced in 1960. Ken was named after Ruth’s son Kenneth."

quoted from ""

In conclusion i do not agree to the argument stated "ban the barbie" i encourage young children to have some sort of role models in there life and children need to be educated about these topics and encourage to be them self's.

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